Saturday, January 23, 2010

Plans & Magic

"Make no little plans;
they have no magic to stir men's blood. . ."
-Daniel Burnham

Chicago's lakefront is a beautiful testament to this quotation from a Chicago legend. (This pic from is an example of a gorgeous landscape paired with a great city - no small plan.)

In honor of my adopted city and the magic of large scale plans,
here are my quilting goals for 2010:

1. Join a quilting community for support & education (guild, swap, etc.)
2. Quilt 2 hours weekday a.m.'s minimum.
3. Get to the county fair and see quilts this summer.
4. Start a blog to follow my quilting & keep records.
5. Re-organize my studio - aka - basement.(B-day present to self, 1 full day organizing in studio)
6. Pick 1 new quilting challenge to stretch & risk with.
7. Find & use 1 more venue to sell my work.
8. Read the business books I have & devise a real business plan.
9. Shoot for 1 charity quilt per quarter - start with AQI, then baby quilt.
10. Finish "Birches" quilt for me.

As I reach my goals, I'll change the text to green. Look - 2 down already!